Rotary Club of Jamshedpur Femina Jharkhand - Rotary India

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Total Services 14
World suicide prevention day

Attended a seminar on world suicide prevention day change the narra. . .

Board of Directors meeting

Bod meeting regarding the opening ceremony of mother and child care. . .

Tournament Meeting

RCJ Femina conducted meeting with all 10 coaches from Participating. . .

Zoom meeting

Zoom meeting organised by Environmental Sustainability Rotary Actio. . .

Membership Seminar

Rotary Club of Ranchi had organised a Membership seminar on 25/08/2. . .

Rally against women violence

RCJ Femina invited by Indian Medical Association ( IMA) for Rally. . . .


Rotary club of Jamshedpur Steel City have organised Inter Rotary Cl. . .

Sawan Milan

RCJ Femina was celebrated Sawan Milan on 7th August 2024 at Bouleva. . .

Regular meeting

RCJ Femina held the first meeting of August month on 06/08/2024 thr. . .

BOD Meeting

Online Board of Directors Meeting held on 26th July at 5:30 pm thro. . .

Grant Seminar

Rotary Club of Tathagat had organised a seminar on 21st July at Raj. . .

Meeting and Installation of Interact and Rotract

President Rtn Seema Kumar called regular meeting on 19th of July at. . .

Installation Ceremony

RCJ Femina’s 11th Installation Ceremony was held on 14th of July . . .

1st Regular meeting of 2024-25

RCJ Femina’s President Rtn Seema Kumar had called the 1st Regular M. . .